Life Lessons by Waldo

by Llalan

A lucky winner with Waldo

The last time a large group of children came into the store I jumped up on the raised island that is the check-out counter and squealed like a cartoon housewife escaping a mouse. I’ve never been known for my ease with kids; in fact, I’ve been known for my unease. But here come about 25 or more little people under five feet tall, all looking for Waldo, and all looking at me like I should know what’s going on, what’s happening next, and where the snacks are. None of them seem to notice how cute I was in red pants, white T-shirt, and vintage red beads.

But my parents were there, Jason was there, and Ben was there in the Waldo costume, God bless him (and God do I wish I was allowed to post the photo of Waldo having one last smoke on the back stoop). So I survived. Waldo picked names out of a basket and I took the thrilled winners’ portraits with Waldo. Below are a few pictures I took and the lessons I learned.

Stuff I learned from my Waldo searchers:

  1. Knowledge is power.
  2. The journey is half the fun, but only if you find who you’re looking for before your little brother does.
  3. Sometimes Velcro is the only way to go.
  4. The clothes make the man but horizontal stripes only make a Waldo.

    My mom knit Waldo hats for prizes — some were a little big

  5. Ice cream sells better than books; books and ice cream together don’t sell at all.
  6. If you wait in line for your cookie, the adults will be impressed but others will still cut.
  7. Behind mom is always a safe place to be.
  8. It’s okay to ask for help, especially when you don’t remember how to spell your name.